<hi style=afpcap>In the cloak-and-dagger world of special operations, the MH-53 gets the tough jobs. One MH-53 led Army Apaches through darkness to attack Iraqi radar sites on the first night of Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Another dropped Navy Seals offshore to attack Panama's Rio Hato airfield and take out Manuel Noriega's escape Learjet during Operation Just Cause in 1989. Today, the Air Force's tight community of Sikorsky MH-53H Pave Low and MH-53J Enhanced Pave Low III helicopters is earmarked for counter-terrorist strikes, combat rescue, and behind-the-lines infiltration. Refueling from a Lockheed HC-130 Hercules extends the "legs" of the MH-53, giving it a boarding-house reach.</hi>